Find The Best Wrongful Termination Lawyer In Chicago

Wrongful termination means an employer has fired or laid off an employee in violation of their legal rights. Find the best wrongful termination lawyer in Chicago.


Wrongful termination can be based on several theories, such as breach of an employment contract or protection given under the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989.

Forms of wrongful termination include:

– Not being compensated for overtime

– Being fired while on pregnancy or medical leave

– Not given lunch breaks or rest breaks

– Being retaliated against for complaining about some unlawful workplace practice

If you believe that you were terminated in violation of the law or that you are about to be terminated in violation of the law, contact Brian J. Graber, Ltd., at (312) 291-4648 at the earliest opportunity.

The basics of Personal Injury One Should Know

You may have certainly come across the word “personal injury’ if you are a working person, but may be you are not very thorough with the basics of the personal injury and need to know everything before proceeding to protect your legal rights after an injury or accidents for yourself or for a friend.

The foremost thing an injured person would do is hire a personal injury lawyer to learn how he should proceed further. There are a few good personal injury lawyers in Joliet who can help you with this.

The Basics of Personal Injury

Personal Injury:

The personal injury case is formed when a person has suffered an injury or accidents due to someone else (legally) and due to this very reason a legal dispute has arisen. The injured personal can file a suit in the civil court asking the court proceeding to find the one at fault and when he does that, he does it with the help of a personal injury lawyer who knows about the legal process in details.

Lets Learn about formal and informal lawsuit:-

Formal lawsuit:

when a person who has suffered a personal injury on account of other person, he files with the help of a personal injury lawyer the lawsuit against an individual, company or government agency alleging them responsible for the injury caused to him.

Informal Settlement:

The main form of settlement occurs in the form of informal settlement outside the court. The people involved are- the injured person, the lawyers from both the side, the company/individual who is accused of causing the injury. An agreeable amount is finalised, with further written agreement that no side would go for any further actions for the case.

Though the informal settlement is a choice for many people, but if it doesn’t work out then one can hire a lawyer for their case.

Check for the personal injury lawyer in Joliet who are well versed, and have already dealt with such cases successfully.

Wage & Hour Claim Lawyer Can Help You To Retaliate Against Wage Theft

Wage and Hour claims

The employees when gets into an organization falls into the responsibility of the employer and it’s the trust between the two that makes the employees concentrate on his work rather than counting his hours of work for week or the over time. But many a time it happens that the employer cheats on the employees and eats away the amount that the employees deserved, after all he has given his time to work for the firm. The legal battle of ‘wage theft’ puts the employee in difficulty if they don’t have a good wage and hour claim lawyer.

If something like this has ever happened to someone you know then you should contact a wage and hour claim lawyer in Chicago who can help you bring justice to you.

Tricks employers use to make employees work extra without paying their dues

Salaried people can’t avail the benefits of the overtime: This is a false reason which employees are told. Even if you are a salaried person, you are entitled to get your overtime paid.

Classify the employees as a contractor: Know your place well. If you follow their timings, rules, and regulation, can’t work for other associates, and pay employment tax then you are definitely an employee and deserve the benefits of it.

Combines two jobs for one: If you are doing the job of data entry but have been doing the job of a receptionist too and paid only for one of both then they are taking an advantage of you by not paying your dues.

To-be on call availability: If after office hours you are required to come for one or other job or return the call within a short time and be available then you are entitled to the extra pay.

Work from home: Now this is something not many are putting to practice but if you are doing your office work from home after the usual office hours then for sure you can ask for the genuine amount of time you spent doing the work.

Such cheating is rampant especially in the restaurant, retail and construction business where documents are not proper making you vulnerable to the wage theft. If you didn’t receive your well-deserved money and live in Chicago then don’t neglect it immediately contact wage and hours claim lawyers who can help you with legal aspects.

Roles Undertaken Employment Discrimination Attorney to Help You Control Workplace Issues!

Various types of discrimination relating either to your race, religion, sex etc is an unpardonable offence. Employment discrimination attorney can be of great help to you under these stressful situations. However, in order to report this matter it is essential to follow certain steps which will help when attempting to put forward your case. Following are the steps that need to be taken to take full control of the situation.

Submitting appropriate documents:

Few employees believe that sooner or later they will get used to the ongoing discrimination and avoid it every now and them. However to make your case stronger documenting each act of workplace harassment and reporting them to an employment lawyer would be a wise decision to make. According to some attorney’s in Chicago, one needs to produce witnesses along with the date and time of the incident, making the documentation process extremely important.

Reporting and investigating:

Reporting of any discrimination should be in accordance with the company’s discrimination report. Follow the hierarchy to make complain about any discrimination at your workplace. Employment discrimination attorney from Chicago emphasise on reporting the matter to the HR department and follow it up regularly for outcome of their internal investigation. Even if you have taken the matter further it is essential to ask for internal investigation whose outcome does matter a lot.

Suing your employer:

After unacceptable investigation report on your workplace harassment from your employer, suing your employer is the best option an attorney can offer you. This attorney would charge you nominal amount assuring you justice from your workplace and relieves you from all the stress that one might go through during this process.

Are you also the one who has suffered from discrimination at your workplace? Consider taking services from an employment layer. To find your nearest lawyer click here!!!